Cusao Proteinase K

Proteinase k, recombinant

Proteinase Okay (Lyophilized)

For Basic Digestion of Protein in Pure Samples

  • Lively over a pH differ of 4.3–12.0, in 0.5% SDS or 1% Triton® X-100
  • Purified to take away RNase and DNase actions

Secure at Room Temperature and Straightforward to Use

  • Lively over pH differ 4.3–12.Zero in 0.5% SDS or 1% Triton X-100
  • Retains >80% prepare at temperatures as rather a lot as 60°C
  • No resuspension or thawing ahead of use
  • Cat.# MC5005, MC5008 provided at a highlight of 20mg/ml


Proteinase K, recombinant
Proteinase K, recombinant


• Prepared-to-use reply
• Lively in a variety of response circumstances


• Isolation of genomic DNA from mouse tail
• Isolation of genomic DNA from cultured cells
• Elimination of DNases and RNases when isolating DNA and RNA from tissues or cell traces
• Dedication of enzyme localization
• Enhancing cloning effectivity of PCR merchandise


Proteinase Okay – one in every of many sometimes used enzymes in molecular biology.

Thermo Scientific Proteinase Okay is a broad-range endolytic protease extensively used for digestion of proteins in nucleic acid preparations. It degrades proteins even all through the presence of detergents. Proteinase Okay cleaves peptide bonds on the carboxylic sides of aliphatic, fragrant, or hydrophobic amino acids. The Proteinase Okay is classed as a serine protease. The smallest peptide to be hydrolyzed by this enzyme is a tetrapeptide.

Keep in mind

• The really useful working focus of Proteinase Okay is 0.05 to 1 mg/mL. The prepare of the enzyme is stimulated by 0.2 to 1% SDS or by 1 to Four M urea
• Ca2+ protects Proteinase Okay in route of autolysis, will enhance the thermal stability, and has a regulatory perform for the substrate binding web site of Proteinase Okay
• Secure over an enormous pH differ: 4.Zero to 12.5, optimum pH 7.5 to eight.0
• Optimum prepare at 50 to55°C
• Speedy denaturation of enzyme happens at temperatures above 65°C.


Proteinase Okay Molecular Biology Grade from Parengyodontium album (Tritirachium album) is a subtilisin-related serine protease. It’s a broad-spectrum endopeptidase with a really excessive particular prepare.

Recombinant Proteinase Okay enzyme is expressed in Pichia pastoris, and undergoes in depth purification to yield the best high quality product.

Proteinase Okay Molecular Biology Grade (PCR Grade) is filled with life beneath a variety of response circumstances, together with elevated temperatures and the presence of SDS. In consequence, this enzyme is extensively utilizing for the digestion of proteins, together with DNases and RNases, all by nucleic acid preparations with out compromising the integrity of remoted DNA or RNA.


  • Recombinant broad-spectrum non-specific protease derived from Tritirachium album and over-expressed in Pichia pastoris.
  • Excessive prepare and distinctive purity.
  • Lively at excessive temperatures (as rather a lot as 56 °C) and denaturing circumstances (e.g. all through the presence of urea and/or SDS), which makes it best for digesting proteins in quite a lot of options.
  • Secure over an enormous pH differ: 4.0–12.5 (optimum pH 7.5–8.0).
  • Decreased quantity of host DNA (≤ 10 pg/mg / MBG or ≤ 0.1 pg/mg NGS).
  • Accessible as powder, lyophilized “cake” or liquid.


  • Extraction of DNA and RNA from fully completely totally different beginning offers.
  • Purification of goal provides from contaminating proteins.
  • Elimination of DNases and RNases all by nucleic acids isolation.


Proteinase K
abx082041-100mg 100 mg
EUR 309.6
Proteinase K
abx082041-1ml 1 ml
EUR 8437.5
Proteinase K
abx082041-200l 200 µl
EUR 2400
Proteinase K
DE102-01 1 ml
EUR 11.6
Proteinase K
AR0056 5mL
EUR 121.2
Proteinase K
BIO-37037 100mg Ask for price
Proteinase K
BIO-37039 1000mg Ask for price
IB05402 200MG
EUR 158.37
Description: (FR)
Proteinase K
EQ023 1mL
EUR 16
Proteinase K
EQ023-1mL 1mL
EUR 16
Proteinase K
GE0990 25mg
EUR 347.58
Proteinase K
GE0990-1 1
EUR 379.6
Proteinase K
GE0990-100 100
EUR 63.3
Proteinase K
GE0990-100MG 100 mg
EUR 112.8
Proteinase K
GE0990-1G 1 g
EUR 495.6
Proteinase K
GE0990-25 25
EUR 27.8
Proteinase K
GE0990-250 250
EUR 123.4
Proteinase K
GE0990-250MG 250 mg
EUR 184.8
Proteinase K
GE0990-25MG 25 mg
EUR 69.6
Proteinase K
GE0990-500 500
EUR 217.6
Proteinase K
GE0990-500MG 500 mg
EUR 298.8
Proteinase K
G029 1.0 ml
EUR 85
Description: Proteinase K is a serine protease often used to digest protein and to remove contamination in nucleic acid preparations. It does so by inactivating nucleases which could otherwise cause the break down of DNA and/or RNA.
Proteinase K
HY-108717 100 mg
EUR 378.79
Description: Proteinase K (Protease K) is a nonspecific serine protease that is useful for general digestion of proteins. Proteinase K is active in the presence of SDS or urea and over a wide range of pH (4-12), salt concentrations, and temperatures. Proteinase K can be use for promoting methods of viral nucleic acid extraction, and detection[1][2][3][4].
Proteinase K
E4350-01 1ml
EUR 23.98
Description: Solution 20 mg/ml
Proteinase K
E4350-02 5x1ml
EUR 107.91
Description: Solution 20 mg/ml
Proteinase K
E40KMP1792 20ug
EUR 495
Proteinase K
K1037-1 1 ml
EUR 40
Description: Enzymes|Enzyme Tools
Proteinase K
K1037-5 5 ml
EUR 64
Description: Enzymes|Enzyme Tools
Proteinase K
MB086-100MG 1 unit
EUR 71.16
Description: Proteinase K
Proteinase K
MB086-10MG 1 unit
EUR 7.75
Description: Proteinase K
Proteinase K
MB086-1G 1 unit
EUR 554.5
Description: Proteinase K
Proteinase K
M-CO-404 100 mg
EUR 391
Description: Proteinase K
Proteinase K
MBS4156398-1mL 1mL
EUR 235
Proteinase K
MBS4156398-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 815
Proteinase K
MBS278041-100mg 100mg
EUR 185
Proteinase K
MBS2563932-10mL 10mL
EUR 150
Proteinase K
MBS2563932-1mL 1mL
EUR 90
Proteinase K
MBS2563932-5mL 5mL
EUR 125
Proteinase K
MBS2563932-5x10mL 5x10mL
EUR 625
Proteinase K
MBS653870-100mg 100mg
EUR 240
Proteinase K
MBS653870-1g 1g
EUR 1145
Proteinase K
MBS653870-500mg 500mg
EUR 665
Proteinase K
MBS653870-5x1g 5x1g
EUR 4990
Proteinase K
PK000001 each
EUR 1.8
Proteinase K
PK000011 each
EUR 11.5
Proteinase K
PK000065 each
EUR 58.5
Proteinase K
PK000100 each
EUR 87.8
Proteinase K
P2180-010 100mg
EUR 98